Originally delivered on 2/22/2024 11:03 am

SUBJECT: Lake Bluff PTO Newsletter, February 22, 2024

Thank you to Corrine Mitchell, Andrea Khan, and Kim Robinson for coordinating another wonderful Camp Night. Did you miss it? No worries, here is the list of camps and their websites.  Brochures from some of the camps will be in the main office starting Monday. 

Thank you to Lizzy Howayeck and her team of volunteers for another terrific Movie Night. It was a fun evening filled with lots of laughter. 

Looking for Leap Year fun? Join Family Math Night next Thursday, February 29. Read below for all the details and register to attend. Please help us plan for the event by RSVPing and signing up to volunteer here. We need several more volunteers to help run the games.

Looking further out the calendar, the Hot Dog Day committee is beginning to look for sponsors for our annual beloved T-shirt. All 525 students receive a t-shirt that they wear that day and well beyond. It's great advertising for local companies. Details below.

Sixth-grade parents, it's time to plan for the celebration. Please volunteer to join the committee.

Shorewood SEED, the district-wide educational foundation, needs your help creating a fabulous Lake Bluff basket to be auctioned at the annual gala in May. A family has generously donated time at their home in Door County. Can you add something related to Door County or a gift card to the basket? Ideas include items related to hiking, water sports, dining, relaxing, etc. You can contribute items or funds; contact Sarah Keefe for more information at LakeBluffPTOPresident@gmail.com.

Family Math Game Night, February 29, Please RSVP and Volunteer!

Please join us for Family Math Game Night sponsored by Lake Bluff PTO and Mathnasium of Whitefish Bay.

  • Date: Thursday, February 29th
  • Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm | Stay for as little or as much fun as you like!
  • Location: Lake Bluff Cafetorium - Please enter via the parking lot doors.

All Lake Bluff families are invited to attend this fun evening of math games suitable for all ages. There will be Math Game Stations, Prize Drawings, Snacks, and more!

Volunteers are needed to help with the various math stations - parents, caregivers, and high school and middle school students are welcome to volunteer. There will be a short training session held at 5:30 pm. Sign up below to help!

Please help us plan for the event by RSVPing and signing up to volunteer here.

Thank you to the Mathnasium of Whitefish Bay for sponsoring the evening.

Hot Dog Day T-Shirt Sponsorships Available, Can You Help?

The end of the school year is fast approaching. As we begin to plan for the beloved annual Hot Dog Day (5/30), we need your help!

Our first step is finding sponsors for the Hot Dog Day T-shirt. 525 students will wear this shirt at the annual picnic and then again throughout the years. Often, these shirts are passed along to other younger family members, too. 

Would your business like to be a sponsor? Do you know a business we should approach? Learn more about sponsorship levels using this link.

Volunteers needed to help plan the Sixth-Grade Celebration

Sixth-grade parents, can you believe your student is ready for SIS? Let's celebrate their years at Lake Bluff. We need your help creating a fun day of celebration honoring their achievements. A meeting will be scheduled soon. Volunteer to join the committee here

Introducing a fun new Lake Bluff Parent Community Event: Rock Out for All School Read

Introducing a fun new Lake Bluff Parent Community Event: Rock Out for All School Read. You can Participate!

What:  Lake Bluff parents and caregivers sharing their musical talent and desire to rock out. It's a rock concert for the parents by the parents! 

Who: You! Do you play an instrument or sing? Please come share your talents and energy for either being in the band or singing your favorite songs for your fellow parents! Parents and caregivers are also welcome to attend - we need an audience, too. Come ready to rock out!

Cost: There will be a small fee to cover any costs, and any proceeds will benefit the All School Read program

Where and When: In the Spring. Date and Venue To Be Determined

Your Next Step - Lake Bluff parents Seamus, Rachel, and Jonathan are leading the charge of assembling band members to be the session band and a line-up of parents who want to get up and sing! Please contact them now to express your interest in participating!

So come belt out a song solo, assemble a boy band, be the local Spice Girls, or just come enjoy the event and sing along like you're alone in the car!

Mark your calendar!
Winter Events

  • February 29: Family Math Games Night with Mathnasium
Spring Events
  • April All School Read Begins
  • April 18: PTO Meeting
  • April 22: Dine Out For Lake Bluff At Three Lions Pub
  • April 29-May 3: Staff Appreciation Week
  • May 6-10: Screen-Free Week
  • May 9: Family Fun Night at the Scholastic Book Fair
  • May 30: Hot Dog Day
  • June 6: Sixth Grade Celebration
1st Place Spiritwear

Get the lowest price of the year on long sleeve tees from Bella+Canvas at just $20.99! That's a $12 savings! Shop: https://1stplace.sale/102868 

In stock Spirit Wear - Adult Sizes Restocked & Pura Vida bracelets and 1924 caps Are Here!

Our Fall t-shirt is restocked for Adults and Youth. Visit our School Shop for in-stock t-shirts, Beagle coffee mugs, Pure Vida bracelets, and our new 1924 baseball caps. Items are delivered to the classroom once a week. Contact Sarah Keefe with questions: LakeBluffPTOPresident@gmail.com.

The Yearbook Is Collecting Photos

Do you have pictures to share? The Yearbook Committee is collecting photos - First Day of School, Field Trip, Playground Time, Walk To School, Costume Parade, etc. Kindly add send photos to lakebluffyearbook@gmail.com.

What does the PTO accomplish in a year?

The PTO is attempting to streamline our fundraising for the year into one large fundraiser.  The PTO raises money to support a wide array of programming for the Lake Bluff Community. What do we spend it on? 

To date in 2023-24 school year your PTO has:

  • Hosted New Families Popsicle Social for over 240 people
  • Hosted Back to School Breakfast for all Staff, including gift cards for a raffle
  • Purchased a box fan for every classroom, specials room, teachers' lounge, and more
  • Provided mini-grants to all teachers to help underwrite the out-of-pocket beginning-of-the-year costs.
  • Purchase items immediately needed for the new math curriculum, including individual whiteboards, plastic page protectors, reams of card stock, and more
  • Gave each student (525 students) a Sprit Wear Shirt with the Lake Bluff motto on it. 
  • Hosted multiple Morning Coffee stations for parents and a Hot Cocoa station during the Costume Parade
  • Hosted the Walk & Roll to School Celebration 
  • Parent Teacher Conference Snack Buffet - Plan and Supplement
  • Scholastic Book Fair - Fulfilled teacher wishlists; assured each student left with a book and giving the library up to $5,000 to purchase books. 
  • Educational Grants - Granted approximately $7,500 to fulfill teacher requests across all areas of Lake Bluff. 
  • Holiday Treat Buffet - coordinate and supplement donations 
  • Purchased and Wrapped 80+ staff gifts for the holidays.
  • Hosted Lake Bluff Family Night at the Admirals During Winter Break
  • Coordinated in conjunction with Atwater, Trivia Night for parents.
  • Funded Family Thai Dance Afternoon
  • Funded school bus transportation to Madison so orchestra students could perform at the capitol.
  • Funding the new student led compositing program at Lake Bluff.
  • Planned and executed 5th & 6th Grade Dance

Upcoming Events & Activities:

  • Artist in Residence Program - PTO funds an artist and special project for students each year. It switches from the music to the art department annually.
  • Scholastic Book Fair - Fulfill classroom and library wishlists
  • Family Movie Night
  • Family Math Games Night
  • Screen-Free Week Activities - plans and underwrites all costs
  • All School Read - books and activities for all students
  • Staff Gift Fund - Supplement funds as needed
  • Parent Teacher Conference Meals (2x a year)- coordinate and supplement donations 
  • Scholastic Book Fairs - all staff receive books on their classroom wish lists, and the librarian can purchase books for the library. Additionally, the PTO makes sure all students receive a book.
  • Staff Appreciation Week Events 
  • Hot Dog Day - T-shirts and festive fun
  • 6th Grade Celebration - Ceremony and day of celebration
  • Other items as needed or requested throughout the year
Volunteer - We have opportunities for everyone's interest and availability!

Please take a few minutes to look at the list of volunteer opportunities. We need help with Winter activities like Movie Night, Math Night, and the 5th/6th Grade Dance and so much more. 

Upcoming Events
Friday, February 23
Thursday, February 29
6:00p Family Math Game Night (Lake Bluff)
Friday, March 1
ATW/LB End of Trimester 2 (Lake Bluff)
Wednesday, March 6
Thursday, March 7
ATW/LB NO SCHOOL 4K-Gr. 6 (Lake Bluff)
12:30p ATW/LB Conferences (Lake Bluff)
Friday, March 8
ATW/LB NO SCHOOL 4K-Gr. 6 (Lake Bluff)
8:00a ATW/LB Conferences (Lake Bluff)
Friday, March 15
ATW/LB Band Assemblies (Lake Bluff)
Wednesday, March 20
ATW/LB Orchestra Assemblies (Lake Bluff)
Friday, March 22
12:00p ATW/LB/SIS HALF DAY (Noon Dismissal; No PM 4K) (Lake Bluff)
Monday, March 25
Thank you!

Thank you for your support. We are grateful for our volunteers and families that contribute to the support of staff and students at Lake Bluff.

Questions/suggestions?  Email Sarah Keefe at LakeBluffPTOPresident@gmail.com.

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