Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!



Lake Bluff families, please consider volunteering this year. We have a job for every interest. Please check the volunteer page of our website or email LakeBluffPTOPresident@gmail.com

All are welcome! 





Lake Bluff Centennial Celebration 


A heartfelt THANK YOU to all who volunteered and attended Saturday's Centennial Celebration. We could not have done it without your support! There is much to celebrate this year, and we look forward to bringing the spirit of 100 years into future events. Stay tuned for more fun!


Thank you to the Centennial Committee for all their handwork and dedication. Thank you, Sarah Keefe, Catie Boon, Kate Flynn Post, Dee Dee Nelson and Nickie Scher-Hubing. 


Do you have photos from the event you'd like to share? Please send them to lakebluffyearbook@gmail.com.  We welcome photos from everyone.


We are still working on our memorabilia collection. Items can be dropped off in the Lake Bluff office. 


Thank you for your support.



Essential RESOURCES at your fingertips!

414.963.6972, ext 7975






Questions or comments? Feel free to email us at HelloLBPTO@gmail.com




Download the PTO Mobile App on Google Play here.